
Woman Violates DUI Probation, Brags on Facebook

Michigan Woman Violates Terms of DUI Probation but Caught after Bragging on Facebook A Michigan woman has been arrested after violating the terms of her probation for a 2012 DUI after bragging about drinking on St. Patrick’s Day on Facebook. Colleen Cudney, 22, was arrested on her first DUI charges in 2012. She was convicted, but sentenced to probation, during which she agreed she would not indulge in any alcoholic beverages. After this year’s St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, she was called in for a random Breathalyzer test. Although she had … [Read more...]

The Feds Offer Friendship On Facebook

Have you recently received a Facebook friend request from someone that you do not know? Do you know everyone who is following you on Twitter?  You may want to think twice about your social networking activity and how it may be used to implicate you in criminal activity. We have all seen the Dateline specials where unsuspecting sexual predators are caught and arrested after chatting with agents whom they believe to be young girls. However, according to the Associated Press, U.S. law enforcement agents have taken monitoring to another … [Read more...]