South Carolina DUI Defense Lawyers | Strom Law Firm, L.L.C.

NFL To Suspend Players for First-Offense DUI

NFL Changes Drug Policy to Suspend Players After First-Offense DUI

A DUI conviction can have life altering consequences and impact your professional livelihood.  Recently, the NFL and the NFL Players Association (NFLPA) reviewed it’s treatment of DUI, announcing that it may issue new punishment for DUI related charges.

The issue of how to handle a DUI charge came up while the NFL and NFLPA were working toward an agreement regarding testing for human growth hormone (HGH). As part of this discussion, the topic of DUI came up, leading to some additional code of conduct changes.

The proposed substance abuse policy states that after a player is charged with one DUI, he will be suspended for one game, if it is the player’s first offense. While this is a harsh code to impose, NFL players say that they are generally in favor of the DUI conduct change.

The penalty will also impose a fine in the amount of one game-check. Previously, the penalty for first-offense DUI was a two-game check fine, with no suspension.

The new first-offense DUI policy will only be implemented as part of the agreement that includes HGH testing, which remains unresolved.

First Offense DUI in South Carolina

Getting arrested for DUI does not mean that you are guilty. Under the new DUI statute, the proof rests on a mere reading of a machine to determine the culpability of a suspected DUI driver. These statutes, often referred to as per se, define DUI as driving a motor vehicle on a road or highway with a blood alcohol level of at least .08.

To convict you of drunk driving, the prosecutor must establish that you were impaired at the time of driving. Quite often a breathalyzer test is taken a few hours later.  If you consumed alcohol just before driving, the results of your breathalyzer test may be higher than your blood alcohol level when you were driving.

If you are over 21 and you are convicted of DUI, your blood alcohol level (BAC) will be used to dictate the severity of your sentence for each type of offense (first DUI offense, second DUI offense, etc.).  Keep in mind that the fines set forth below will more than double when you add in court costs and fees.

If your BAC is between .08% and .09%:

If your BAC is between .10% and .15%:

If your BAC is .16 or higher:

The Strom Law Firm Can Help with Felony DUI Charges in South Carolina

If you face DUI charges, whether it is your first charge, or felony DUI, you could feel alone and afraid. Just because you drink and drive, especially if you are not the designated driver, does not automatically mean that you are guilty. The attorneys at the Strom Law Firm have helped people who face DUI charges since 1996. We offer free, confidential consultations so you can discuss the facts of your case with impunity. Contact us for help today. 803.252.4800

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