South Carolina DUI Defense Lawyers | Strom Law Firm, L.L.C.

Drunk Driver Crashes Into Helicopter

South Carolina DUI Lawyers

We write a lot of Drunk Driving articles here at the Strom Law Firm, but this one is near the top.

Two drunk-driving accidents took place over the weekend that injured three people, killed another, and produced one of the worst statements we’ve ever heard from a drunk driver.

The first accident occurred at 1:30 A.M. on Sunday morning outside of Palestine, Texas.

According to the Houston Press, the suspect was driving under the influence, crossed the center of the road, and crashed into an oncoming car.  Unfortunately, the wreck left three people in the other car seriously injured, and killed one as well.

Paramedics arrived on the scene called for a Life Flight chopper to get the victims to the hospital.

That’s when 27-year-old Matthew Mitchell came to the scene.  He was also driving after having too many drinks.  He said all the flashing lights at the emergency vehicles confused him as he approached the accident.

He attempted to maneuver his Chevy Impala through the flashing lights of the fleet of police cruisers and ambulances on the scene. Unfortunately, he crashed right into the life-flight chopper’s tail fin. Fortunately, damages to the helicopter were minor and it was able to fly an injured woman to a local hospital.

Authorities on the scene told Matthew he’d hit a helicopter.  His response: he asked, “Why was the helicopter flying so low?”

Both drivers were charged with DUI, and the guy who caused the first crash was also charged with manslaughter.

By: South Carolina DUI Lawyer Pete Strom


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